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Writer's pictureJohn Brown

A Book specifically for your Soul

Updated: Jan 31, 2018

This life is full of obstacles, stuff that gets us unfocused on the important things we need get done. here a book that will help you determine between what you need to do and what is keeping you busy to do it, Get you back on track and surely shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars.

'What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do' - Anonymous. Wee have a lot of potential that once we tap into it we can really turn the wheels of innovation and turn the world around, This Blog will help you get a piece of what it all means.

Just a start, the same way you build your body, eating healthy food and doing regular exercises, you build your brain by reading inspirational books and being open minded. The following statement can mean a lot to me, I use this as a challenge to my thinking when I am in the ups and downs of life to get inspired and a chance to sit down and read some 'uncomfortable' book.

Do you have in mind what it takes to become successful? It is actually quite reasonable, many have done it, and many more have not, but why? The question lies in what is the difference. Lets try to figure out what can be to reason as to why you are not as successful as you may want with reference to these awesome writers.

Think And Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill

I can not underestimate the power of this classical book. The formula of creating riches, whether in money, relationships. or just self fulfillment. Divided into fourteen chapters and in thirteen steps towards riches the book has Desire the starting point of all riches, Here the author explains and demonstrates the importance of desire and how you can only get what you desire as will persistently keep you on track.

Faith is the only known antidote to failure according to the author is what can keep you going for what you want in life. This will convince your subconscious mind that you can and you will. This is very important as will keep you focused even when you meet obstacles.

Talking about the subconscious mind, Auto-suggestion is the method we can communicate to it leading us control what information it gets and the leave it to act upon it to provide the required results.

Knowledge is power, that is according to you but to the author only specialized knowledge is the real power but otherwise any form of knowledge is just potential power in the power house and is useless unless directed to the right channels. This is why the author discourages school for certificates sake and encourages study that is personalized and aimed at producing certain desired results. moreover 'education is a private matter between the world of knowledge and experience and has nothing to do with school or college'- Lillian Smith.

Imagination is indeed the Workshop of the Mind and the author goes ahead to talk about synthetic imagination; using pre-existing knowledge to do something obviously easier than creative imagination which involves doing something new. More on This are in the next Book Zero To One by Peter Thiel the fonder of PayPal.

Desire as we started with talks about it being a starting point towards reaches but how ever intense it can be we need to actualize it into action and that's when the chapter Organised planning comes in to crystallize it. However much you maybe brilliant you can not create success alone and thus need other people to help you to make it in life, these can be colleagues, mentors among other very important people. This is the Mastermind that we will talk about in the next chapters. Having a group of people related to what you aim to achieve, meeting them regularly (twice per week) and being in harmony with them is the clear goal in this chapter. ensure each will be compensated thus they will be committed and enthusiastic about the cause,

Decision is the next chapter in this book. The author suggests that lack of courage leads to procrastination and in turn lack of action thus failure. He adds weight when he suggests that the successful have the common behavior of making decisions promptly and changing them slowly. 'Hard Decision easy life, easy decisions hard life'- Anonymous.

Persistence is required too in search of success.One as to be consistently and committed or otherwise will lose track of what they are doing. this too can be cultivated by faith and strong Desire.

The power of the master mind is another concrete step towards riches. This chapter the author explains the importance of pulling in brains and working together to achieve a desired end. This from co-founding american fathers to today corporate world.

The mystery of sex transmutation is the most weird of all the chapters in this book according to me. the author explains that faith, love and sex are the most powerful positive human emotions. Men with sexual desire can use the same to keep desire, faith, unique creativeness and commitment towards what they want to achieve a feeling that can not be when not. This sexual desire can not be suppressed but only used positively or will always show it self in may other ways.

The subconscious mind, the center of the discussion obviously encourages us to focus on convincing our minds to focus on positive thoughts and positive energy and how we can ignore negative energy at most.

The brain, in Napoleon Hill's time the brain was still a topic that had not been dully researched thus skeptical knowledge about is is expected but the book is quite resourceful, the brain is a broadcasting center of thought thus use it wisely.

The Sixth Sense, The door to the temple of wisdom, Intuition here is the key, Practicing the power of creative thinking which is the cornerstone of your subconscious mind and bringing to life ideas by auto suggestion.

Outwitting the Six Ghosts of Fear, Fear can be divided into six i.e. poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age and death which can not coexist with faith. We need to control such emotion so that we can achieve what we intend to.

In Conclusion the book Think And Grow Rich is a very awesome book that I would encourage you to read. This is the starting point of success according to me and and

inspiration to the world although it may have been written in a different time. You can buy the full book here on

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